
Axis history forum why gone
Axis history forum why gone

axis history forum why gone

Quote from: haesslich on 25 January 2011, 21:18:43 I'd have to say that you're not being totally unreasonable - although there were more Mechs than MD towards the end of the Jihad, there weren't necessarily a lot of Celestials lying around despite Precentor-Martial St. If I'm going to running a character driving around a BattleMech, can I at least have something that can carry a beer fridge (or a passenger)? They wouldn't be trying to pick you off with sniper rifles or any shit like that - not because of the BattleMech you drove, anyway. Sure, there are some complications, such as difficulty finding replacement parts, but I bet if you drove a Cauldron-Born (Ebon Jaguar, the closest thing CSJ had to a Totem 'mech) around on Turtle Bay in, say, 3063 as part of a merc force, you would be perfectly fine as long as people knew that you had taken it from the Jags. There might be some questions where the Celestials came from, especially with WoB salvage so rare, but if you play that question off correctly, having the Celestials could even be a feather in your cap - just as having Clan salvage in 3052 was often a feather in an IS merc's cap.Ĭall it Rule of Cool if you like, but my opinion is that if a merc can manage to get their hands on a Celestial, it shouldn't be that hard for them to actually use. Everybody knows mercs field salvage, and not many residents of the Inner Sphere will confuse a merc with a Manei.

axis history forum why gone

BattleMechs aren't" and the obsessive salvaging of any potentially usable bit of hardware, but the fact of the matter is that in the BT universe, there's a longstanding tradition of practicality, especially from mercenaries. I know, I know, things may have moved a little away from "Life is cheap. It's practical when you're at war, and the Inner Sphere is pretty much always at war. Sand off the Nazi symbols, put a new paint job on them, and go. Sure, the Blakists went and tried to kill a lot of people. The Yugoslavs actually had imported some of them in 1939, fielded them against the Axis invasion, and kept using them for a few years after the war (they were, however, getting pretty dated). The most iconic German aircraft of the war was the Messerschmidt 109. The Soviets were perfectly willing to salvage and use Nazi war material right there on the eastern front. And like a rubber band, it is much too flimsy to withstand the pull of a well-made BattleMech, which is typically able to exert much more than the couple dozen pounds of force needed to snap a rubber band. "In SS uniforms"? Methinks your analogy is stretched, like a rubber band.

#Axis history forum why gone Pc#

A PC's 'mech is automatically important, and making it that much more likely to fall over and cause harm to the PC is not as likely to lead to the player favoring it once they've started to use it on the battlefield. And frankly, the Celestials' small cockpits make them not exactly primo rides. A Mad Cat painted with a giant stripper on a pole is clearly a merc ride. One tool the OP's players might find have found useful, of course, are kitschy paint jobs and decorations. People know the military hardware isn't the same as the people who built it.

axis history forum why gone

But in spite of this, you really don't see much of a fuss about mercenaries salvaging 'mechs of whatever kind wherever they find them. Generations of painting each other as inhuman enemies. This is why we have extinct Clans with "Shoot on sight if they ever look like they're alive again" orders.ĭire hostility has also existed between Inner Sphere powers, generations of rhetoric and irrational hatred, and vicious war crimes, such as the Kentares Massacre. The Clans may have had a system of combat designed to ritualize warfare and minimize collateral damage, but it was maintained by ruthless punishment of those who broke the rules. While I might be a big fan of the Mongol Empire in some ways (such as the way that Chinggis was a big fan of the separation of church and state, or his remarkable cleverness), part and parcel of that was being utterly ruthless against opponents who refused to play by their rules. The Clans were in large part modeled - very deliberately - after the Mongols. Malvina Hazen (outside of CSJ) didn't come from nowhere. Turtle Bay was actually not the only case in which the Smoke Jaguars happened to massacre civilians it just happened to be the largest scale such event, one that involved orbital bombardment rather than simply lining people up and shooting them (as in, say, the little village of Beaver Falls.) Some Clans were more or less lenient when it came down to it, but for the Smoke Jaguars, it was standard. Break their rules of warfare, and they might come down on you like a ton of bricks. "RAWR MASSACRE" was basically standard Clan Smoke Jaguar response to irregular warfare - not that strange.

Axis history forum why gone